ADE Commissioner's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : COM-10-131

Date Created : 02/11/2010



Type of Memo: Informational
Response Required: Yes
Section:   Communications - Julie Thompson, Director
Inclement Weather Waivers

Regulatory Authority:

Contact Person:
Julie Johnson Thompson

Phone Number:


Many school districts in Arkansas have had to miss instructional days due to inclement weather. The state's Standards of Accreditation require all public school districts to offer 178 instructional days of six hours instructional time each year. School districts are also required to include five make-up dates in their school calendars.

School districts that have missed more than 10 days will be able to submit a request for a waiver for the additional days. Arkansas Department of Education staff will review the requests on a case by case basis and make a recommendation to Arkansas State Board of Education, which has the authority to approve the waivers.

Before submitting a waiver request, schools districts that have missed more than 10 days should make up as many days in excess of the first 10, which must be made up, as is possible. School districts should try to use any of the following options for making up missed instructional days:

* Using the five inclement-weather days already built into the calendar.
* Using previously scheduled teacher-work days as instructional days.
* Holding instructional days on upcoming scheduled holidays such as President's/Bates Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day.
* Using part or all of spring break.
* Adding days to the end of the school year.
* Other proposed options must be approved by the Department of Education.

To request a waiver, send a letter by March 1, 2010, to:
Dr. Tom W. Kimbrell, Commissioner
Arkansas Department of Education
Four Capitol Mall
Little Rock, AR 72201

Please be sure to include in the letter the number of days for which a waiver is requested as well as a detailed outline of how missed days have been or will be made up. The first set of hearings for waivers will be heard at the March 2010 meeting of the Arkansas State Board of Education.
