ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : IT-01-002

Date Created : 07/05/2000


Co-op Directors

Type of Memo: Informational
Response Required: No
Section:   Information and Technology - Mr. James Boardman
AS-IS Web Site Teacher Licensure Search

Regulatory Authority:

Contact Person:
Ms. Barbara Bankhead

Phone Number:


Two additions have recently been added to the Arkansas Department of Education AS-IS Web Site. The first is a free on-line job bank service for school districts and cooperatives in Arkansas. Educators and job seekers statewide now have the opportunity to list job vacancy announcements and search job vacancies electronically. This free service is available and accessible worldwide. To list a vacancy on this free service:

1. Access the Arkansas School Information Site (

2. Click on the "Classifieds" Section
3. Click on "Add a Classified." This is a secured process which requires a password. In the Authorization Box, enter the following user name and password:

User Name: Classifieds
Password: Jobs25

4. Complete all sections of the Vacancy Form. Press "Add." For multiple listings, erase the form after each entry and add new data.

5. For security reasons, all data will not be uploaded immediately onto the website. A second stage security validation will take place before the data are displayed on the AS-IS Website.

The Department has also added Teacher Licensure Search options with two different ways to check teacher licensure expiration dates. In the first option, an individual can check the expiration date of a certificate by clicking on the General Information Section of AS-IS and going to the Certified Licensure Search. After entering the Social Security number, the issue and expiration date of the license will be displayed. For security reasons, the name and other information will not be shown.

The second feature allows administrators to determine expiration dates of certified staff by school or district. This feature is, also, found under the School Directory by clicking on Certified License. The licensure information is updated monthly. Therefore, while not completely current, the information should be beneficial to teachers or administrators wishing to verify licensure data or plan ahead for licensure renewal.

We welcome comments or suggestions for expanding and improving the AS-IS Web site.

For additional information, please contact:

Barbara Bankhead
Information and Reporting
Arkansas Department of Education
4 State Capitol Mall
Little Rock, AR 72201
(501) 682-1189


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