ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : IT-01-011

Date Created : 09/27/2000


Co-op Directors

Type of Memo: Informational
Response Required: Yes
Section:   Information and Technology - Mr. James Boardman
School Performance Report

Regulatory Authority:
6-15-402 School Performance Act

Contact Person:
Brenda Caudle

Phone Number:


Further review of address data submitted for use in mailing the school report cards indicates inconsistency within and among school districts in how that data is organized. In an attempt to accommodate these inconsistencies in a timely manner without inordinate work on the part of our schools, while at the same time ensuring maximum successful delivery of the mailed reports, the following procedures will be followed.

1. The title field (Ms., Mr. and Mrs., etc.) will not be used.
2. Guardian name(s) will come from the guardian_name1 field.
3. Address will be composed of two separate lines:
Line 1 will consist of the combination of guardian_lot1 and guardian_street1 (in that order)
Line 2 will consist of the combination of guardian_apt1 and guardian_complex1 (in that order).
4. Guardian_city1 and guardian_state1 and guardian_zip1 will compose the last field.

Under this arrangement, it will be highly likely that one of the two address lines will be blank. This is acceptable.

APSCN has provided revised procedures, via the SMS listserve, to accomplish this task. Schools are strongly encouraged to review, through the print option provided, the appearance of the address labels thus produced and change any of the fields that are obviously in error. The report may then be printed to disk so that the information may be transferred to the ADE for processing. Final submissions must be done between Wednesday, September 27, 2000 and Tuesday, October 3, 2000. The program will also display the number of addresses generated, which should result in one report card per guardian per LEA. Thus if a parent has two children at one school, it is our intention that only one report card will be sent. If the parent has children at two different schools, two report cards, one for each school, will be sent. The only way for this to happen is for the addresses in the children’s records to be correct and consistent in appearance.

Thank you for your continued assistance in this most important endeavor.


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