ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : ACC-01-071

Date Created : 02/22/2001


Co-op Directors
Secondary Principals
Elementary Principals
other: ESL Coordinators
LEA Supervisors and Teachers

Type of Memo: Administrative
Response Required: Yes
Section:   Accountability - Dr. Charity Smith
Quarterly Meetings for AR Alt. Portfolio Assessment System for IEP & LEP Students

Regulatory Authority:
Public Law 105-17

Contact Person:
Charlotte Marvel

Phone Number:


The Arkansas Comprehensive Testing, Assessment and Accountability Program (ACTAAP) requires that alternate assessments be used for Limited English Proficient (LEP) students who cannot participate in the regular Benchmark assessment and for students with disabilities whose IEP team has determined to be eligible for the alternate assessment. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that an alternate assessment system for eligible Special Education students be in place for the 2000 - 2001 school year. All schools with eligible Special Education students in grades 4, 6, 8 and 11 and Limited English Proficient students in grades 4, 6 and 8 shall participate in the Alternate Portfolio Assessment this school year.

Three interactive videoconferences at the local educational cooperatives have been presented since the AETN teleconference initial training was done in September 2000. There will be three more videoconferences through the local educational cooperatives.
· April 2, 2001 from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. for Special Education teachers and supervisors.
· April 2, 2001 from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. for Limited English Proficient teachers and supervisors.
· April 3, 2001 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. for testing coordinators from each school district.
· April 12, 2001-Deadline for mailing portfolios.

If you have not already signed up for these conferences, please email or call Charlotte Marvel to attend. The videoconferences will focus on procedures for mailing, what needs to be in the completed portfolio, and other details and issues.

The Limited English Proficient portfolio must contain common tasks for reading, writing and mathematics. These were taken from released items in the Benchmark exams from previous years. You will find these common tasks attached to this memo. Other attachments are the draft scoring rubrics for Limited English Proficient and Special Education portfolios along with the draft Scoring Distribution Sheets that were discussed at the last videoconference in February.

The Arkansas Department of Education will monitor to make sure that ALL STUDENTS ARE INCLUDED IN THE ARKANSAS COMPREHENSIVE TESTING, ASSESSMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY PROGRAM. They must be included in one of the following:
· Benchmark Examinations without accommodations
· Benchmark Examinations with accommodations
· Arkansas Alternate Portfolio Assessment


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