Attached is the ADE required format and guidelines for Arkansas public school districts to follow as they develop their school district Pathwise induction/mentoring plans. Each Arkansas school district must develop and submit a district-specific mentoring plan which adheres to these guidelines no later than OCTOBER 15, 2001. STATEWIDE IMPLEMENTATION OF PATHWISE INDUCTION AND MENTORING FOR NOVICE TEACHERS WILL BECOME EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2002, IN ALL SCHOOL DISTRICTS IN ARKANSAS.
EVERY ARKANSAS SCHOOL DISTRICT IS REQUIRED TO HAVE AN APPROVED MENTORING PLAN ON FILE WITH ADE PRIOR TO JANUARY 1, 2002, EMPLOYMENT OF ANY NOVICE TEACHERS IN THEIR DISTRICT. Additionally, any school district that employs a new non-traditional licensure teacher for the 2001/2002 school year, and thereafter, must assign a Pathwise trained mentor to that teacher from the beginning of the school year.