ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : SI-02-043

Date Created : 03/21/2002


Co-op Directors
other: Drug Education Coordinators

Type of Memo: Informational
Response Required: Yes
Section:   School Improvement and Professional Development - Ms. Janinne Riggs
Safe and Drug-Free Schools 30% Greatest Need Funds

Regulatory Authority:
20 USC 5962 (P.L. 103-382 Sections 4011-4017)

Contact Person:
Otistene Smith

Phone Number:


Section 4113 (d)(2)(A)(ii) requires that State Education Agencies (SEAs) award 30 percent of funds available each fiscal year for distribution to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) that the SEA determines have the greatest need for additional funds to carry out drug and violence prevention programs authorized by Subpart 1, Part A of Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act. The amount of funds available for 2000-01 is $889,283 and 2001-02 is $890,080. The 2000-01 funds will be required to be spent by September 2002 and 2001-02 funds by September 2003.

Section 4113 (d)(2)(c)(1) requires that the SEA distribute the “Greatest Needs” funds to not more than 10% of the LEAs in the state. A maximum of 31 school districts have been chosen to receive two years of funding based on rankings in the following areas of risk:


SUSPENSION RATE is the temporary dismissal of a student from classes by duly authorized school personnel in accordance with established regulation, served outside of school. (40%)

SCHOOL DROPOUT RATE means the percentage of students who leave school for any of the following reasons as defined in the Statewide Information System (SIS) database: incarcerated, failing grades, suspended or expelled, lack of interest, conflict with school, economic hardship, pregnancy/marriage, peer conflict, lack of attendance, alcohol/drugs, other. (30%)

EXPULSION RATE FOR WEAPONS POSSESSION is any instrument or object possessed or used to inflict harm on another person, or to intimidate any person. (20%)

POVERTY RATE–Free and Reduced–cost meals is the percentage of students at the school eligible to receive free and reduced-cost meals. The free lunch program is where meals are provided at no cost to children who are determined eligible by household application or food stamps. The eligibility scale is defined as 185% poverty level. A reduced lunch is a meal that a child pays for but is not required to work in the cafeteria or any place. (10%)

The amount of funds distributed to each school district will be determined by the relative share of students enrolled on October 1, both public and private school participation. A list of the 31 schools selected based on the data factors submitted to the Statewide Information System is attached. These schools are required to complete and submit an application with a budget description and comprehensive plan to be eligible for funding.

In the new Elementary and Secondary Education Reauthorization Act, there are no provisions for the “Greatest Need” funds. This will be the last year, 2001-2002, for the availability of the “Greatest Need” funds to be allocated to states for school districts.

If you have any questions, please contact Dorothy Reynolds, Program Advisor or Otistene Smith, Program Support Manager, at 501-683-3602.


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