All Title I and Title V plans, including Funds Reports for Title I and Title V (VI), Budget Pages Excel Sheets, and ACSIP documents (plans for each district's public and appropriate private schools), must be submitted electronically to the ADE FTP Server on or before July 1, 2002. Applicants are encouraged to submit plans PRIOR to the deadline. For questions, please call:
Mr. Arlen Jones, Title I
Ms. Glenda Peyton, Title V
Ms. Patsy Hammond, Title I Finance
Dr. David Westmoreland, School Improvement
In an effort to provide initial planning information for districts to develop their 2002-2003 Title I and Title V plans, the Department is providing ESTIMATED 2002-2003 TITLE I and TITLE V ALLOTMENTS. This will allow districts to submit and be approved in order to generate Title I funds in a timely manner.
The attached printouts contain the ESTIMATED 2002-2003 TITLE I and TITLE V ALLOTMENTS. These estimates have been made using the most accurate information available from the U. S. Department of Education concerning Title I and Title V of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 as amended by No Child Left Behind Act of 2002.
The estimates are based on the 1997 U. S. Census poverty data for children ages 5-17. This is the same Census data used to allot the 2001-2002 Title I funds. The total allotment amount is also based on the variables of foster home children, children residing in local institutions for neglected or delinquent children and the state's average per pupil expenditure. These variables will be updated before final allotments are made to the states.
When the final allotment amounts are determined, school districts will be required to resubmit some documents including the Title I budget to reflect the actual allotment.
The allotment for Title V is based upon the combined enrollment of public and participating non-profit private school students using October 1, 2001, enrollment data for the student count. The distribution rate is $5.7243309 per student for basic grant and $1.5071581 per student for high cost adjustments, provided the district qualifies.
Public school administrators are responsible for consulting with appropriate private school officials regarding the development and implementation of the Title I and Title V programs. All participating private schools must submit school improvement plans in a manner similar to the public schools.
All Title I and Title V plans, including Funds Reports for Title I and Title V (VI), Budget Pages Excel Sheets, ACSIP documents (plans for each district's public and appropriate private schools), must be submitted electronically to the ADE FTP Server on or before July 1, 2002. Applicants are encouraged to submit plans PRIOR to the deadline.
Preparation of Federal Programs Submission:
Each school improvement plan (ACSIP) is stored by school personnel saving their ACSIP in Word on their respective personal computers (PC). A plan should be saved on the school PC as a file in the C: drive under the directory My Documents. It should also be saved on a disk.
Each school will either take the disk to a central location or e-mail it to a central location, for example, the district central office, etc. All plans for the district will be sent to this location and be saved in a folder. Again, these plans must be saved as Word files in My Documents. All ACSIPS must be individually named (i.e., "School Name ACSIP"), but saved in one folder in the following format: "District Name 2002 to 2003."
NOTE: The individual school's plan (ACSIP) cannot be changed or altered at the central location. Each school's ACSIP must be modified on the individual school's PC and or on the school's individual disk. Once changed or modified, the ACSIP must be saved. It will then replace the former ACSIP file in the central location. All participating private schools must submit school improvement plans in a manner similar to the public schools.
Using the ASIP Software to Generate District Reports:
Each district should create and save to the district's master folder a named report for Title I funds and a named report for Title V funds (i.e., District name DGR Title I or District name DGR Title V). These reports will be included in the material sent to the ADE FTP Server by July 1, 2002.
Open the District Reporting software by double-clicking on the appropriate icon. Go to the toolbar at the bottom of the screen and click on the ASIP Directory. After the District Reporting icon is open, the user must click the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. This will open the access to the folder storage areas of the system. Go to the section where the district's master folder is stored. Plus signs (+) to the left indicate further files are within that section. Click on the (+) signs as necessary to get into the correct folder. Once the user clicks on the plus sign on the folder no additional plus (+) signs will appear letting the user know that there are no more files. Click on the file icon. The file icon will change, indicating that the file or files are indeed open. Click on "OK." It will appear that nothing has happened, but the folder is now open and ready. The user may now work with any of the other buttons.
When attempting to generate an Action or Funds Report, the software will automatically pick up all action and fund types contained in every file stored in the folder. It will list these items and ask the user if they are to be added to the list. Beware of clutter. It may be better to click No, and use the Define Actions or Funds selection buttons. Also, if the user clicks more than one Action Type or Funds Source for a report, the software will generate a separate report for each one indicated.
Please note that the software DOES NOT MERGE building activities but generates a school by school report based on the Action Types selected or the Funding Sources selected. After the files have been opened in the Report Generator, close the ASIP Directory and click the Funds Report icon at the bottom of the tool bar.
After all Funds Reports for Title I and Title V are saved in a file or to the Desktop, they are ready to save in the master folder. The reports will then be ready to copy to the FTP Server. ALL ACSIP and Funds Reports are now in the master folder and will be used to complete the Federal Programs Budget Pages portion of the application.
When the Budget Pages Excel sheets have been completed, save them in a file and move them to the master folder with the other saved documents.
The master folder (representing the entire district) now has all ACSIP documents (school plans) for all schools (including appropriate private schools) within the district, the Funds Reports for Title I and Title V, and all the Budget Pages Excel sheets. The school district's master folder containing ACSIP, Funds Reports for Title I and Title V, and Budget Pages should be located in a central location at the school district.
Preparation for copying the school's federal program plan to the file transfer protocol server (FTP). Necessary elements: the master folder; Version 5.5 of the Internet Explorer; User Name and Password of the school district; FTP address:
1. From a computer connected to the Internet, open the Internet Explorer (Version 5.5) browser. If the computer does not have this version of Internet Explorer, it can be downloaded. District or educational service cooperative technology specialists may be able to assist the user if help is needed. The computer must have Internet Explorer version 5.5 or higher in order to use the FTP Server. To check the computer for the version, click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Double-click Add/Remove Programs. Scroll down the Add/Remove Programs Properties screen to Microsoft Internet Explorer. The version is displayed. Close the Add/Remove Properties screen; close Control Panel. If the computer does not have the correct version, it may be downloaded from the Microsoft website: Press Enter. Click the Download Now option.
2. Type in the Internet Explorer 5.5 Version browser address blank. Press Enter.
3. When the FTP Server opens, it is recommended that this FTP address be added to Favorites for future use. This is done by selecting the browser's Favorites in the pull-down toolbar at the top of the page. Add the FTP site to the user's Favorites to expedite future connections.
4. The FTP Server page will open to a Login screen. Enter the school district's user name and password in the appropriate blanks and press Enter. (The school/district password is being mailed to the principal of each school as well as the superintendent.) Contact the School Improvement & Instructional Support Unit, ADE, at 501-682-4231, regarding questions or problems related to School District FTP passwords.
5. ADE has created a folder for each school district. After the users have entered the FTP site, a folder with the current year 2002-2003 will appear.
6. Open Windows Explorer. This is accomplished in a number of ways. Following are two of the methods: Start > Programs > Double-click Windows Explorer or in the lower left-hand corner of the Taskbar, right-click Start once and left-click Explore in the small menu that appears.
7. In the left pane of Windows Explorer, locate the C: drive and then My Documents. Left-click My Documents. This should expand the My Documents folder and show all of the files in the My Documents folder in the right pane.
8. Next, locate the file that contains the information to be posted to the FTP Server. Double click on the folder. Open the district's master folder from its location or storage point in the school district user's computer (C drive, etc.) and go to Edit from the pull down menu. Click Select All then Copy (not Cut or Move). Go to the FTP folder (ADE) and click Edit and Paste. All files stored in the master folder (all ACSIP, Funds Reports, and Budget Pages should be listed in the master folder) should now be copied/pasted to ADE's FTP Server in the school district's folder. Do not open files - the user CANNOT upload an open document to the FTP Server.
9. Then, minimize the Windows Explorer Screen (the minus symbol at the top right of the computer screen minimizes the window).
10. Exit the ADE's FTP Server. NOTE: School district personnel will be unable to read the file after it has been deposited to the FTP folder; however, a copy of the file still held by the school user.
To revise a school or district plan, make changes or amendments to the plan at the school/district site, and resubmit the revised plan and any other relevant information (Funds Reports, Budget Pages) in its entirety with a new file name through the FTP Server. All participating private schools must submit school improvement plans in a manner similar to the public schools. Rename revised plans according to the version of the revision. For example, if the school district's Word file was named, "Smith Elementary ACSIP" (original plan), the first revision of the plan would be named, "Smith Elementary ACSIP Rev 1 for . . ." which area of the Arkansas Department of Education the plan was revised. For instance, "Title I" or "Title V" or the name of unit for which the revision is required. An example of the revised plan file name would be "Smith Elementary Rev 1 for Title I." Once any plan or revised plan is deposited in the ADE's FTP Server, the school user will be unable to access or read the file from the FTP Server. A file (school plan) deposited in the FTP Server will be a copy of the file still held by the school user.
The financial portion, the Federal Applications Excel workbook, has different sections. However, all the contents of this document will be submitted collectively, even when only one portion of the Budget Pages have been revised. See the attached Document Title Format Examples Table.
All Title I and Title V plans, including Funds Reports for Title I and Title V (VI), Budget Pages Excel Sheets, and ACSIP documents (plans for each district's public and appropriate private schools), must be submitted electronically to the ADE FTP Server on or before July 1, 2002. Applicants are encouraged to submit plans PRIOR to the deadline.