Discover how students learn, and what students value. Dr. Donald A. Boyd of the Arkansas Special Education Resource Center will present a series of workshops on the assessment of learning styles. The workshops will run from 9:00 AM to 3: 00 PM on the days that they will be presented. The dates and locations are attached below.
The presentations will discuss the four primary learning styles along with an inexpensive system that will allow the participant to quickly and easily collect comprehensive data on each student (for grades 3 through 12). It will take the guesswork out of choosing teaching strategies and is fun for the students to take.
The learning styles inventory presented will cover the following areas: 1) sensory preferences, 2) data and organization preferences, and 3) temperament types. Inventory results will allow the participant to: improve classroom presentations, develop more effective working relationships with individual students, gauge appropriateness of individual assignments, add to student portfolios, match teaching styles to student learning styles,
motivate students according to their interests, and tailor discipline techniques to individual students.
Each person attending the workshop will do an assessment on his/her own learning and teaching styles.
Persons who wish to attend, should register at least two weeks in advance by e-mailing Dr. Boyd at: or phoning 1-800-482-8437.