Arkansas secondary world history, world geography, world literature and art teachers may participate in a noncredit East Asian History Seminar sponsored by Columbia University and the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA). The seminar, underwritten by the Freeman Foundation, will pay participants a stipend of $500 upon completion of the 30-hour program and submission of three lesson plans.
Participants will receive classroom and library materials about East Asian history valued at $200, and each participant’s school library will receive $300 worth of materials about East Asian history.
Dr. Eugene Corcoran of the University of Central Arkansas History Department will teach the course. The Arkansas International Center at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock is administering the course and recruiting the teachers.
The course will be offered at the Northwest Educational Cooperative at 409 Thompson Street, Springdale, Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to noon, February 15 through May 3, with one followup session in November, for a total of 30 hours. The course content empasizes China and Japan with lesser attention on Korea.
For further information and an application, contact Dr. Walter Nunn, director of the Arkansas International Center at UALR, by e-mail at or by phone at 501-569-3515.