The Arkansas Department of Education, Special Education Unit, Transition staff is offering training on the Life Centered Career Education Curriculum and Assessments. This curriculum and its assessments are recommended by the Transition Staff to assist public school educators in completing the transition component of a student’s IEP.
The LCCE is a comprehensive classroom, home and community-based functional curriculum and is suitable for a wide audience, from upper elementary school through high school, including general education students, students with learning disabilities, students with developmental disabilities, and students at risk. Participants explore how LCCE's 22 competencies and 97 subcompetencies correlate with Arkansas’ Transition Plan. Participants will learn a simple step-by-step process to follow to assist with implementation of the curriculum. This training has been revised to provide a simplified way to develop a Transition Plan from the LCCE assessment, and an easier way to find lesson plans.
Attached to this memorandum is a schedule of the training sessions and the contact information for the Transition Consultant responsible for each training.