ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : IA-03-073

Date Created : 05/28/2003


Co-op Directors

Type of Memo: Administrative
Response Required: Yes
Section:   Internal Administration - Dr. Bobbie Davis
Special Ed Programs, Exiting Data and Disciplinary Actions Data for Disabled Students

Regulatory Authority:
PL 105-17, Section 618

Contact Person:
Susanne Bunn

Phone Number:


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997 require that specific disciplinary information be submitted to the U. S. Department of Education as an annual data reporting requirement. This report consists of two categories. In Section A, the discipline data are reported by disability category; in Section B, the same data are reported by ethnicity.

Additionally, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997 require that specific data regarding children with disabilities exiting the educational system along with changes in placement of children to a less restrictive environment be submitted to the U. S. Department of Education as an annual data reporting requirement.

School district exiting data, changes in placement data, and disciplinary data on students with disabilities will be submitted electronically through Cycle 7 of the Statewide Information System.

Instructions for Cycle 7 are on the APSCN web page at Electronic submission of discipline and exiting data is required of all school districts on the APSCN system. The closing date for Cycle 7 data entry is June 15, 2003.


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