LEA numbers are changed or assigned between July 1st and September 1st of each year. To request a new LEA number or make a change to an existing number, an LEA Number Assignment Form (Form) must be completed, signed by the superintendent, and submitted to the Department of Education. This Form is attached.
This information must be received by the Department of Education by September 1st. Once the information is received and processed, a copy of the form will be returned to the district, and will include a new LEA number if applicable.
No new LEA numbers will be assigned after the district’s SIS Cycle 1 submission. If the district plans to add a school during the new school year, follow these guidelines: 1. Obtain a new LEA number for the school as soon as possible after July 1st. 2. Enter the new LEA number in the Pentamation system so that it is included in the district’s Cycle 1 report. 3. Include the students for the new building in the district’s SIS Cycle 2 report. If the new school has no students enrolled prior to Cycle 2, no reports can be generated for that LEA for the remainder of the school year.
Completed Forms should be mailed to the following address:
Arkansas Department of Education
Local Fiscal Services
#4 Capitol Mall, Room 105C
Little Rock, AR 72201-1071
For questions or additional information, please contact Dottie Belk at 501/682-4488.