APSCN staff has identified certain data elements (see attachment 1) necessary in fulfilling the obligations of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation to determine if students taking the required state criterion referenced assessments on April 8 were actually enrolled in the school, district or state on October 1. The identified data will be retrieved from each district’s database by APSCN on June 6, 2003. It is imperative that the April 8 enrollment be completely accurate. Class lists will also be collected for Algebra 1 and Geometry courses (see attachment 2) as a benchmark for NCLB for Adequate Yearly Progress.
All districts must have accurately entered data prior to June 6, 2003. Please make certain all attendance is entered, all students are enrolled through April 8, and all schedule changes are complete. If a district is not on the APSCN system, the data must be emailed to Clara Knox, APSCN Programming Manager, at cknox@arkedu.k12.ar.us by the end of the day June 6, 2003.
If any district cannot meet the above dates for entering data, please contact Danita Hyrkas at 501-682-5199 or email at dhyrkas@arkedu.k12.ar.us.