ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : SI-04-042

Date Created : 02/23/2004


Co-op Directors
Middle School Principals
High School Principals
other: Counselors

Type of Memo: Informational
Response Required: Optional
Section:   School Improvement and Professional Development - Ms. Janinne Riggs
Conflict Resolution Mini-Grant RFP

Regulatory Authority:

Contact Person:
Brazier Watts

Phone Number:


The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE), in order to expand Character Education efforts in middle and high schools, is addressing the nationally recognized need for conflict resolution practices within secondary schools.

Research shows that conflict resolution skills should be a fundamental part of schools' curriculum, discipline approach, and management style: studies have consistently found that the more conflict resolution techniques permeate the atmosphere and curriculum in schools, the greater the decrease in violence, improvement in classroom management, and enhancement of students' social and emotional development.

The ADE will fund approximately 25 sub-grants at a maximum level of $2,500 per award. The priority target population for the Conflict Resolution Program will be middle and high schools.

The attached Conflict Resolution application is due in the following office by 4:30 p.m. on April 20, 2004. Mail an original and three copies to:

Brazier Watts
Arkansas Department of Education
Grant Initiatives/Early Childhood Education
Attn: Character Education
#4 Capitol Mall, Room 402-A
Little Rock, AR 72201

Faxed RFPs will not be accepted. The original must have signatures in blue ink. The original and each copy should be stapled in the upper left-hand corner (do not use special binding). The cover sheet for this RFP must be utilized as the cover sheet for the submitted application. For additional information or questions, please contact Brazier Watts by phone 501-682-5615 or via e-mail


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