ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : IA-04-089

Date Created : 04/02/2004


Co-op Directors
other: LEA Supervisors

Type of Memo: Administrative
Response Required: Optional
Section:   Internal Administration - Dr. Bobbie Davis
Special Ed Programs: Special Ed Supervisor FY 2004-05 Funding Requirements

Regulatory Authority:
ACA 6-41-201 to 6-41-223 & 6-41-301 to 6-41-313

Contact Person:
George Elliott

Phone Number:



The Department of Education receives an annual appropriation that includes funds to support the employment of LEA Special Education Supervisors. The intent of the appropriation is that every school district in the State has an opportunity to access the services of a qualified and licensed Special Education professional.

Attached are the FY 2005 forms and applications for districts and co-ops to request funds to support LEA Special Education Supervisor salaries. Maximum funding of $32,750 is available to support the salary cost of one (1) qualified full-time equivalent (FTE) working full-time on special education activities in districts with an ADM of at least 3,600.

“Special education activities” are those activities defined in the attached “LEA Supervisor Job Duties” document. “Qualified FTE” is defined as a supervisor holding the appropriate licensure through the Arkansas Department of Education. “ADM” is defined as the average of the first three (3) quarters of the 2003-04 school year.
Three types of administrative arrangements are available to accommodate funding for the Special Education Supervisor program:

A. Single district arrangements for districts with an Average Daily Membership (ADM) of 1,800 (50% time and funding level), 2,700 (75% time and funding level) to 3,600 (100% time and funding level);

B. Lead District Consortium arrangements of two (2) or more districts with a combined ADM of 1,800 (50% time and funding level), 2,700 (75% time and funding level) to 3,600 (100% time and funding level), and

C. Education Service Cooperative arrangements for the administration of shared Special Education Supervisors for districts within the Education Service Cooperative boundaries.

Districts and Co-ops may use state and local funds or federal Title VI-B pass-through funds to cover LEA Supervisor salary and operating costs that exceed the maximum $32,750 funding level.

Districts and Co-ops should note the following:

1. Responsibilities for gifted and talented programs, Section 504 coordination, and student assessment/evaluation, etc. are not considered special education activities within the special education supervisory role. If a district chooses to assign duties such as these to an LEA Special Education Supervisor, funding for the position will be reduced. Written assurance must be given by the District/Co-op Administrator and the LEA Special Education Supervisor that additional functions will not be assigned which preempt the performance of special education activities. It is recommended that language providing this assurance be included in each LEA Supervisor contract.

2. FY 2005 funding levels for supervisors, even those currently approved, will be based on the application of the program criteria specified above. Specifically, maximum funding of $32,750 per supervisor is available to support the salary cost of one (1) qualified full-time equivalent (FTE) working full-time on special education activities in districts with an ADM of at least 3,600. “Special education activities” are those defined in the “LEA Supervisor Job Duties” attachment.

3. In unusual circumstances where the services of an LEA Special Education Supervisor working full-time on special education activities are necessary, but the district’s ADM is insufficient to generate full funding, “hardship exemptions” will be considered if adequately justified. This will be particularly true if the ADM insufficiency is due to administrative consolidation or annexation.

4. The minimum length of contract must be ten (10) months. A twelve month contract is recommended. Funding for salary will be prorated for less than a twelve month contract. For example, a full-time special education supervisor on a ten (10) month contract would be eligible for 10/12 of the maximum funding level allowed.

5. Prior to the initial release of funds during FY 2005, an approved contract for the LEA Supervisor and the written assurance required in #1 above must be on file with the Arkansas Department of Education, Special Education Grants and Data Management. Subsequent payments are contingent on adequate and timely quarterly activity reporting through the Special Education website.

Completed applications are due by April 23, 2004 and should be directed to:

Arkansas Department of Education
Special Education Grants and Data Management
”Attn: LEA Supervisor Application”
1401 W. Capitol, Suite 450
Little Rock, AR 72201-2936

or by fax to (501) 682-4313.


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