This document constitutes official notice of the 2005 Title II, Part A, Improving Teacher Quality allotments, under No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. No individual Notice of Funds Allotment will be provided. Please keep a copy of this Communication and the attachment on file for the auditor to review.
In the attachment, the column entitled “Adjusted Total Title II-A 2004-2005 Allocation” lists the funds available for each district. The funds shown in this column include the adjustment, whether positive or negative, described in Director’s Communication No. IA-04-092, dated April 5, 2004. This attachment also contains a comparison to the 2003-2004 allotments.
Funds will be distributed after approval of the 2004-2005 ACSIP plan.
For questions concerning the Title II-A allocation, please contact Ms. Patsy Hammond at 501-682-4275.
For questions concerning the Title II-A program, please contact Mr. Roy Barnes at 501-682-5296.