Severe need breakfast reimbursement rates (an additional $.23 for each free or reduced price breakfast served during the 2003-04 school year -- the rate for 2004-05 school year is to be announced) are available to all schools that meet the following criteria:
1. The school is currently participating in or desires to begin a breakfast program.
2. Forty percent (40%) or more of the lunches served to students in a school in the second preceding year (2002-2003) were served free or at a reduced price. (Note, only those schools that maintain lunch counts by each individual school may apply for this additional reimbursement.)
In the past, schools were required to complete a justification report for these additional funds. Any funds that were not justified as being spent on breakfast had to be returned to USDA. Effective July 1, 2004, Section 201 of the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 amended the criteria for determining a school’s eligibility for severe need breakfast reimbursement. Schools that apply and are approved for the severe need breakfast reimbursement rate are no longer required to justify the additional funds. This change eliminates most of the paperwork associated with the additional reimbursement.
A school that meets the above criteria may qualify for the severe need reimbursement without additional paperwork other than completing the attached form. Print and return TWO completed and signed originals by July 31, 2004 to:
Child Nutrition Unit
Arkansas Department of Education
ATTN: Jimmy Burks
2020 W. 3rd Street, Suite 404
Little Rock AR 72205