Attached is a document containing assurances and certifications that must be signed by the superintendent of each school district and education service cooperative to participate in programs under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Please review these assurances and certifications carefully. When the superintendent has signed the document, please mail the original to:
Dr. Bobbie Davis, Assistant Director
Internal Administration
Arkansas Department of Education
No. 4 Capitol Mall, Room 103-B
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
The deadline for submission of this document is September 15, 2004. Payments from No Child Left Behind programs for school districts that have not returned the signed document will not be made. Payments will begin when the signed document is received and the 2004-2005 ACSIP Plan is approved.
Assurances are a requirement to participate in federal funding. Please place a copy of the signed assurances in the district audit file.