No Child Left Behind, Public Law 107-110, allows school districts to transfer funds among several specific programs. These programs include Title I-A, Title II-A, Title II-D, Title III, Title IV-A, and Title V-A. Section 6123 of the Law requires school districts to notify the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) 30 days before the effective date of the transfer. In addition, a district must modify each local ACSIP plan affected by the transfer. This section of the Law also outlines which programs can transfer funds and what percentage of the funds can be transferred. Please note that the percentage of funds that can be transferred decreases when a district is in school improvement. Section 6123(b)(1)(A) states that a district may transfer 50% of the funds allocated to it under Title II-A, Title II-D, Title IV-A and Title V-A to any of these programs or into Title I-A. Funds may not be transferred from Title I-A {Section 6123(b)(1)(C)}. If a school district is identified as in school improvement, the percentage of funds that can be transferred drops to 30% {Section 6123(b)(1)(B)}.
Only school districts eligible to receive Title VI-B, Subpart 1 Rural Education Achievement Program (Title VI-Federal) or Subpart 2 Rural and Low-Income School Program (Title VI-State) funds may transfer funds involving the Title III program. Only Title VI-Federal schools may transfer 100% with no reduction in the percent if identified in school improvement. Based on the most recent information from the U. S. Office of Education, districts receiving Title VI-State funds are held to the 50% transfer authority as are all districts not receiving Title VI-B, Subpart 1 Rural Education Achievement Program (Title VI-Federal) funds.
Funds transferred between programs must be used according to the rules and regulations of the program to which the funds are transferred. Funds must be accounted for as directed by the ADE. When funds from a program that are being transferred are received by a district, the funds should be transferred immediately.
The attached form serves as official notification of the intent to transfer funds. The form must contain the original signature of the superintendent. Completing the transfer chart in the ASCIP plan and submitting it to the FTP site does not constitute official notification. It is to be used any time a district is required to notify the ADE of the intent to transfer. The last date on which a district may submit a Notice of Funds Transfer for the 2004-2005 school year is March 31, 2005.
Please copy the form to a district computer. It is in Excel format and will perform the calculations automatically. After the form is completed, print a copy for the superintendent to sign. Submit this signed form to:
Ms. Patsy Hammond, Federal Programs Analyst
Arkansas Department of Education
No. 4 Capitol Mall, Room 102-A
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1074
A copy of the signed form will be forwarded to the ADE Program Managers affected by the transfer and to the School Improvement Supervisor assigned to the district. Remember the ACSIP budgets must be adjusted to reconcile with the Notice of Transfer totals.