Arkansas School Improvement Planning Software (Version 3.0.3):
The Arkansas School Improvement Planning software was updated on August 9, 2004, to reflect recent requirements, especially regarding Student Special Needs Funding appropriated by the General Assembly. School personnel may obtain Version 3.0.3 of the Arkansas School Improvement Planning software at the following website:
Student Special Needs Funding in Arkansas Consolidated School Improvement Plan (ACSIP) for School Year 2004-2005 (see Director’s Memoranda FIN-05-005, FIN-05-004, FIN-05-003):
Student Special Needs Funds, e.g., dollar amounts for each Student Special Needs category, must be shown in ACSIP plans (school and/or district) when expenditures of these funds are proposed in ACSIP for the 2004-2005 Fiscal Year. ACSIP “source of funds” designations will be found in Version 3.0.3 of the software that corresponds with each new Special Needs Fund category (National School Lunch Act-NSLA Funding; Special Needs Funding-Alternative Learning Environment–ALE-Funding; Special Needs Funding-English Language Learners–ELL-Funding; Special Needs Funding-Professional Development Funding). This information should be included in school improvement plans submitted on or before September 15, 2004 to the ADE’s FTP server (