ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : IA-05-040

Date Created : 09/02/2004


Co-op Directors
other: LEA Supervisors

Type of Memo: Administrative
Response Required: Yes
Section:   Internal Administration - Dr. Bobbie Davis
Special Ed Supervisor FY04-05 Payment Update & Quarterly Reporting Requirements

Regulatory Authority:
ACA 6-41-201 to 6-41-223

Contact Person:
George Elliott

Phone Number:


The Arkansas Department of Education receives an annual appropriation that includes funds to support local education agencies’ (LEA) employment of Special Education Supervisors. The intent of the appropriation is that every school district in the State has an opportunity to access the services of a qualified, licensed administrator of Special Education programs.

FY 2004-05 forms, applications, and instructions were provided to districts and co-ops in April 2004 with an application due date of April 23, 2004. Districts and co-ops that met this deadline were notified by letter prior to May 1, 2004 of the approved allocation amount per position for FY 2004-05.

As noted in Director’s Memo IA-04-089, the release of funds to districts and co-ops in FY 2004-05 is subject to three contingencies: (1) filing of the approved LEA Supervisor contract with the ADE, Special Education Unit; (2) written assurance by the Superintendent or Co-op Director that additional functions will not be assigned which preempt the performance of special education activities; and (3) timely filing of quarterly activity reports.

The first quarterly payment will be made to lead districts, single districts, and co-ops during the week of September 6, 2004 that have provided approved contracts and written non-preemption assurances. Subsequent quarterly payments, contingent on the filing of quarterly activity reports, will be made during the weeks of December 13, 2004, March 14, 2005, and June 13, 2005.

Beginning November 15, 2004, quarterly activity reports will be filed on the Special Education website at After logging through MySped Resource, authorized users will access the LEA Supervisor reporting format under the Personnel button. Reporting for FY 2004-05 will describe and quantify activities conducted with respect to Items B, D, and F in the “LEA Supervisor Job Duties” attachment.


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