ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : IA-05-001

Date Created : 09/10/2004


Co-op Directors
Secondary Principals
Elementary Principals
Middle School Principals
High School Principals
other: Classroom Teach

Type of Memo: Informational
Response Required: No
Section:   Internal Administration - Dr. Bobbie Davis
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Education

Regulatory Authority:
Act 799 of 2003

Contact Person:
John Kunkel/Bill Fulton

Phone Number:


This memo is to notify local school districts that, in accordance with Act 799 of 2003, the Department of Education has received $512, 375 from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. These funds were generated from fines, fees and cost arising out of convictions of persons violating state laws protecting game, fish and wildlife. The funds are to be distributed back to the counties where the offenses occurred.

Act 799 of 2003 amends A.C.A. § 6-16-1101 by adding a new subchapter. The new subchapter establishes guidelines for Fish and Wildlife Education programs. The Department of Education, in consultation with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, shall establish school education programs for fish and wildlife conservation and for other purposes consistent with Amendment 35 of the Arkansas Constitution. The act also requires the Department of Education to distribute funding to the counties where the offenses occurred. Attached is the funding distribution by county. Shortly the ADE will send the funds to the County Treasurer. Act 799 requires the counties to distribute all of the funds to the school districts within the counties in the manner prescribed by ordinance of the county quorum courts. The Department of Education defines that a school district shall be within the county where the primary administrative office is located.

The ADE in consultation with the Game and Fish Commission has approved the following programs:

Educational Programs offered by Arkansas Game and Fish Commission that meet Conservation Education Criteria for Fine money allocations for Counties.

Wings Over Arkansas
Contact: Phyllis Speer, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
(870) 424-5750

The Leopold Education Project (LEP) Not a direct AGFC Program, but highly
recommended by AGFC for educators
Contact: Ed Pembleton (877)-773-2070 State contact Marc Hirrel UCA 224-9419

WILD Workshops
Contact: Pat Knighten, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (870) 917-2085

School Yard Habitats Site Development
Contact: Pat Knighten, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (870) 917-2085

Total Outdoor Teaching Experiences (TOTE)
Contact: Lucy Moreland and Regional Education Coordinators,
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (501) 223-6433

On Target For Life- Archery/P.E. Program
Contact: Joe Huggins, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (501) 223-6414

Hunter Education
Contact: Joe Huggins, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (501) 223-6414

Boating Education
Contact: Bob Cushing, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (501) 223-6495

Hooked on Fishing Not on Drugs
Contact: Gordon Bagby, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (501) 223-6313

Arkansas Stream Team Program
Contact: Steve Filipek, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (501) 223-6369

4-H Responsible Environmental Stewardship Quest (RES-Q)
Sponsored and Funded by AGFC, Arkansas 4-H, and U of A CES
Contact: Burnie Kessner, Arkansas 4-H Center (501) 821-6884

Nature Mapping
A partnership program with the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service/ Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
Contact: Burnie Kessner @ Arkansas 4-H Center,
(501) 821-6884
Becky McPeak @ U of A Cooperative Extension Service
(501) 671-2000

Specialized Conservation Education/Educator Training Workshops
A partnership with County Conservation Districts
Contact: Pat Knighten, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (870) 917-2085

Funds can also be utilized to provide avenues for teachers/educators take students on fieldtrips to AGFC Nature Centers and Education Centers.

Funding options to local districts will be determined by the local Quorum Court in each county. Question concerning how these funds are to be distributed should be directed to the Quorum Court.

Funding received and expenditures for this program are restricted and must be reported using the following REVENUE CODE 32260. If funds are not used in a fiscal year, districts may carry the funding forward to be used for the same purpose as originally intended.

Contact Bill Fulton, 501-682-4472,, for content information concerning the eligible programs.


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