A videoconference is scheduled for Thursday, September 23, 2004 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am and again from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm. The same session is offered at the morning and the afternoon videoconference. Roll call will be 30 minutes before the scheduled starting times.
The purpose of the conference is to provide an overview of the Arkansas Better Chance (ABC) Child Assessment procedure to be implemented this school year for all Arkansas Better Chance Programs and Arkansas Better Chance for School Success Programs. The selected assessment is Work Sampling System-online.
Videoconference sites include:
Arkansas Department of Education, Little Rock
Arch Ford Education Service Cooperative, Plumerville
Arkansas River Education Service Cooperative, Pine Bluff
Crowley’s Ridge Education Service Cooperative, Harrisburg
DeQueen/Mena Educational Cooperative, Gillham
Great Rivers Education Service Cooperative, West Helena-Instructional and Administration
Northeast Arkansas Educational Cooperative, Walnut Ridge
Northwest Education Service Cooperative, Springdale
Ozarks Unlimited Resources Cooperative, Harrison
Southwest Education Service Cooperative, Hope
All administrators, coordinators, principals, directors, and others involved in early childhood programs are invited to attend. Pre-registration is required as space may be limited in some areas. Please identify the names of persons planning to attend, the location, and time (morning or afternoon session).
To register contact: Pamela Pennington at 501-682-9699 or by e-mail at Pamela.pennington@arkansas.gov.
Direct questions to Paul Lazenby or Kathy Stegall at 501-682-9699.