Each year the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE), Special Education Unit, collects special education employee and service providers information through APSCN Cycle 4 data submissions. In addition to its use for federal reporting, this information is used by the Special Education Monitoring and Program Effectiveness Section for school district and co-op special education program approval.
To expedite the program approval process for the 2004-05 school year, corrected teacher and service provider information from last school year will be available for review and update by school districts and co-ops beginning October 6, 2004. Authorized users will access the data on the Special Education website at http://arksped.k12.ar.us through the MySped Resource/Personnel link. The link will stay active through October 22, 2004. It is expected that this early review of employee and service provider information will facilitate more accurate and timely reporting by districts and co-ops when Cycle 4 opens in December 2004.
The Special Education Unit will also use this teacher and employee update as the basis for calculating the amount due each co-op for costs associated with the Early Childhood teacher bonus authorized by Act 85, of the Second Extraordinary Session of 2003.