ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : FIN-05-012

Date Created : 10/01/2004



Type of Memo: Regulatory
Response Required: Yes
Section:   Public School Finance and Admin Support - Ms. Patricia Martin
Certified Results of the Annual School Election

Regulatory Authority:
Ark. Code Ann. §§6-14-115, 6-14-121

Contact Person:
Dottie Belk

Phone Number:


Each year, after the annual school election, the Department of Education asks that all school districts provide, to the Department, a copy of the filed certification of election and one (1) of the ballots. This year the annual school elections were held on September 21, 2004. Pursuant to A.C.A. §6-14-115:
(a) At the close of the election, the election officials at each polling place or at the place of central tabulation were required to make a return of the votes, certify the return, and file the certification in the office of the county clerk of the county in which the district is administered for delivery to its county board of election commissioners, who no earlier than forty-eight (48) hours and not later than ten (10) days after the election shall proceed to ascertain and declare the results of the election and file the certification of election and one (1) of the ballots with the county clerk.
(b) The county clerk of the county in which the district is administered shall file a certified copy of the certification of election with the county clerk of each county in which any part of the district lies.

According to the time frames stated above in the code, copies of these documents should be available from the county clerk by October 1, 2004 at the latest.
· If the district held a special election for millage rates in 2004, separate from the annual school election for positions on the local school board, provide the Department with certified election results for both elections.
· In the case of a runoff election for positions on the local school board pursuant to A.C.A. §6-14-121, contact Dottie Belk to apprise her of the runoff election and to determine the deadline for submitting the filed, certified election results to the Department.
· Even if the millage election does not propose any change to the total millage or the millage structure, please provide the Department with the certified election results.

Please mail copies of these filed and certified documents to the Department of Education by October 15, 2004. Direct questions to Dottie Belk at (501) 682-4488.

Arkansas Department of Education
Local Fiscal Services
Dottie Belk, Administrative Assistant
#4 Capitol Mall, Room 105C
Little Rock, AR 72201


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