The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) Teacher Recruitment Program will host the fifth annual statewide Teacher/Administrator Job Fair, Saturday, February 5, 2005, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Clear Channel Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock (just off I-430 @ exit 4). Ample parking is available.
Arkansas schools are projected to have an average shortfall of 700 teachers each year through 2006, therefore ADE is working to provide Arkansas public schools with the opportunity to recruit for positions.
Every registered school district will have an individual booth for district personnel to display information and personally talk with potential recruits. A small registration fee of $75 per district provides an 8’ x 10’ exhibit area, one table, two chairs, draping, signage, and refreshments for booth staffers for the day. Information should be set up at individual recruiting tables approximately one hour in advance of the opening.
Advertisements will appear in several Arkansas newspapers. Television and radio spots will announce this opportunity to prospective school employees. Staff persons from ADE Offices will be on hand to answer questions and assist school districts in recruiting efforts.
Hotel accommodations for Friday night, February 4, 2005, may be made with La Quinta Inn, 11701 Interstate 30, 501-455-2300. When making reservations, ask for the “Department of Education/Job Fair” block rate of $42.00/night (based on availability).
To reserve booth space, complete the registration form and fax or mail it to arrive no later than January 15, 2005 to:
Christina Villareal – ADE Job Fair
Teacher Recruitment Program
4 Capitol Mall, Room 405 B
Little Rock, AR 72201
501-682-5118 fax
cc: School District Personnel Director