The Arkansas Department of Education’s (ADE) Distance Learning Center (DLC) will offer the courses listed in the attachments shown below for the Spring 2005 Semester. Signed DLC Assurances, class roster with student names and ID numbers, along with the Participating School Data form, must accompany a Schedule Request form. Facilitator training is scheduled for January 3, 2005. ANY SCHOOL THAT DOES NOT SEND THE PERSON(S) WHO WILL ACTUALLY FACILITATE THE DISTANCE LEARNING CLASS TO A TRAINING SESSION WILL NOT RECEIVE INSTRUCTION FROM THE DLC. Forms and information about 2005 Spring Semester can be found on the ADE Distance Learning Center’s Web site at
Courses will be offered using Compressed Interactive Video and Enhanced Audiographics technology. Scheduling will be done on a first-come, first-served basis. SCHOOLS MUST ADHERE TO THE ADE DLC BELL SCHEDULE AND 2004-2005 ACADEMIC CALENDARS. The deadline for submitting the Schedule Request form is December 3, 2004. The earlier a school returns the Schedule Request form, the greater the likelihood of receiving the requested time-period(s).