A draft of the 2003-2004 school report card data will continue to be
available for viewing on the NORMES Website at http://normes.uark.edu and clicking on School Performance and then School Report Card Drafts 2004. Additional data, including definitions, will be added to the site until all data used on the 2003-2004 report card is available for review.
Appropriate changes that were requested by Friday, January 21, 2005,
should be completed by Monday, January 31, 2005. There has been some confusion regarding the test score information that will be included on the report card. The numbers that will be displayed on the report card will be consistent with those that are used to calculate Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and School Improvement (SI). These numbers do not necessarily match the numbers that were distributed to the schools as part of the summary reports by Questar. This inconsistency is due to the different definitions of highly mobile students used by the testing company and by No Child Left Behind (NCLB) when calculating AYP and School Improvement. Links about corrections and using the Enterprise Guide to check draft report card test data are currently available on the main menu of the NORMES state report card draft.
Also, the information regarding the percent of students tested will be modified to display 95% or greater for all percentages from 95% to 100%. Another change that will be implemented when the report card is determined to be in the final stage, will be to eliminate the data about small numbers of students tested to comply with the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Corrections to data entry errors will be made at the school or district level and not at the unit level. Priority will be given to making corrections to data errors or calculations made by Arkansas Department of Education (ADE)and then to data entry errors made by the Local Education Agency (LEA).