Attached is the Title II-A Financial Status Report Form for report on the status of the project’s total expenditures and program income as of February 15, 2005. This report explains the funds spent and the district's progress toward achieving the grant award goals and objectives. This report supports the goals and objectives as described in the district's ACSIP Plan, reference regulations and application, which were incorporated into the Assurances and Certification for No Child Left Behind.
The actual expenditures reported will be compared to the Title II-A revenues distributed by the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) to the district's 2004-2005 Title II-A program and cash on hand as of June 30, 2004, from the 2003-2004 Title II-A allocation. The expenditures reported must be funds already spent on the activities for 2004-2005. Districts must have a minimum amount of cash on hand at any point in time. Activities funded by Title II-A funds and used in the 2004-2005 ACSIP Plan should be on schedule as outlined in the plan.
The Financial Status Report allows ADE to monitor funds spent and to determine whether adequate progress is being made toward the grant goals and objectives outlined in the district's ACSIP plan.
Please return the completed Title II-A Financial Status Report Form with an attached expenditures printout to the ADE office no later than March 15, 2005.
Mail to:
Roy L. Barnes
Title II-A Program Manager
Arkansas Department of Education
#4 State Capitol Mall, Room 107-A
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201