Act 274 of the 85th General Assembly provides that for those school districts that: (1) annexed prior to January 1, 2005, under Act 60 of the Second Extraordinary Session of 2003 and, (2) have an interim board of directors which has not been up for election since the creation of the current interim board, the following shall occur:
(1) Within thirty (30) days of February 24, 2005, the local board shall determine board terms by lot so that no more than three (3) members’ terms expire during any one (1) year with no fewer than one (1) member’s term expiring at the next regular school election; and (2) The new board shall have either five (5) or seven (7) members unless otherwise required by a current federal court order.
If the current interim board has more than five (5) or seven (7) members without requisite federal court authority, the board shall reduce the size of the total number of positions on the board by: (1) voluntary resignation of one (1) or more existing members; or (2) drawing lots by the directors of the former receiving district prior to annexation.
Any questions regarding this information should be directed to Scott Smith, General Counsel, at 501-682-4227.