Under the No Child Left Behind legislation, one component of determining Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for a school is affirming that at least 95% of the eligible students complete the assessment. To make that determination, the accountability system compares the number of students who complete the assessment (regular assessment plus alternate assessments) with those eligible students who are enrolled.
One intent of this memo is to define the process that will be used to determine the number of eligible students and to encourage schools to make any updates to class rosters or student data prior to the date information is extracted from the APSCN student information system.
Eligible Students for Grade 3 - 8 Assessments – are those students who have been in continuous enrollment between October 1 and the test date.
Eligible Students for Grade 11 Literacy – are those students who have been in continuous enrollment between October 1 and the test date. To determine eligible students APSCN will compare Grade 11 rosters for 2004-2005 with those from 2003-2004. Duplicate names will be eliminated.
Eligible Students for End-of-Course Assessments - are students enrolled in the following list of courses who are not repeating one of these courses and have been in continuous enrollment since October 1. To determine eligible students APSCN will compare student rosters for 2004-2005 with rosters for 2003-2004. Any students that are duplicated will be dropped from the eligible student list because it is assumed that those students should have completed the test last year. This should eliminate the large number of AYP appeals because of 95% tested in mathematics courses.
Algebra I Courses
430000 – Regular Algebra I
530010 – Honors Algebra I
530020 – ADE Approved Algebra I
530030 – IB Algebra I
530090 - Core-Plus (1)
530120 - SIMMS (1)
530110 – ARISE (1)
530200 – Second Part Algebra 1
Geometry Courses
431000 – Geometry
531010 – ADE Approved Honors Geometry
531020 – ADE Approved Geometry
531030 – IB Geometry
531040 – Investigating Geometry
531070 – Core-Plus (2)
531080 – SIMMS (2)
531090 – ARISE (2)
531200 – Second Part Geometry 1
April 29 is the date that has been set for pulling enrollment data from the APSCN database. This date is at the end of the assessment window for end-of-course assessments. The Department is aware that lower grade assessments are administered earlier; however, the intent is to only retrieve enrollment rosters one time.
Verifying enrollment data is extremely critical. Schools should review enrollment data, especially enrollment in mathematics courses where students may have been transferred from a class roster for a tested course into a course for which there is no test. Schools are informed that the last day for student roster correction is Friday, April 29.
Direct questions concerning AYP data and course enrollments to Dr. Charles D. Watson via e-mail cwatson@arkedu.k12.ar.us or phone 501-682-4474.