The Arkansas Department of Education has received funding from the Corporation for National and Community Service for the School-Based Learn and Serve America Program.
Learn and Serve America supports service-learning programs in schools and community organizations throughout the nation that has helped over one million students from kindergarten through college meet community needs, while improving their academic skills and learning the habits of good citizenship. Learn and Serve grants are used to create new programs or replicate existing programs, as well as to provide training and development to staff, faculty, and volunteers. Service-Learning combines service to the community with student learning in a way that improves both the student and the community. It provides students with the opportunities to use newly acquired skills and knowledge gained in the classroom to address real-life situations in communities.
Arkansas received $150,000 to sub-grant through a competitive grant process. Funding will be available for approximately 15 sub-grants at a maximum level of $10,000. The priority target population for the Learn and Serve Program in Arkansas will be students in grades 5-12. However, the application will be open to all K-12 grades within public schools throughout the state. Education Service Cooperatives are eligible to apply on behalf of a local public school.
A compressed video teleconference will be conducted on April 29, 2005 from 9:30 am until 11:30 am, through the local education service cooperatives and other sites, for technical assistance in completing the Request For Proposal (RFP) application. A registration form is attached and must be faxed to Brazier Watts at 501-682-9026 no later than April 25, 2005.
The Learn and Serve application is due by 4:30 pm on September 7, 2005. Mail an original and three copies to:
Brazier Watts
Arkansas Department of Education
Grant Initiatives/Early Childhood Education
RE: Learn and Serve Application
#4 Capitol Mall, Room 402-A
Little Rock, AR 72201
Faxed proposals will not be accepted. The original and each copy should be stapled in the upper left hand corner (do not use special binding). The cover sheet for this proposal must be utilized as the cover sheet for the submitted application. For additional information or questions, please contact Brazier Watts by phone at 501-682-5615 or e-mail at