Over 80 percent of Arkansas students with disabilities, ages three to five, receive special education services through Education Service Cooperatives. A total of 500 employed and contracted co-op staff provides these services statewide.
The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) has an interest in the effective administration of co-op special education early childhood services. In this regard, the ADE is recommending that any school district intending to withdraw from a co-op special education early childhood program for FY 2005-06 notify the co-op Early Childhood Coordinator as soon as possible, but by no later than April 2, 2005.
Similarly, any school district not currently receiving special education early childhood services through its co-op but intending to do so for FY 2005-06 should notify the co-op Early Childhood Coordinator by April 2, 2005. Timely notification of a change in special education early childhood services delivery will assist co-ops in assuring adequate service coverage for next school year.