All Arkansas school nurses are required to receive training in order to perform hearing, vision, and scoliosis screening in public schools. The Community Health Nurse Specialist (CHNS) located in each Education Cooperative Service Center will conduct the training.
School districts should contact the appropriate CHNS for a copy of the forms needed to conduct the required screening, referring, and annual reporting. The required forms will also be included in the training manuals provided at the CHNS training sessions. Previously, the Department of Health provided the forms. However, the Department of Health is no longer administering the programs, and forms may not be ordered from the Department of Health. Each school district is responsible for replicating the forms necessary to implement hearing, vision, and scoliosis screening programs.
If a school nurse has already participated in the required training and has been certified, there is no requirement for recertification at this time.
Superintendents are requested to ensure that the school nurses are aware of this training requirement and completion of annual summary reports.
For questions or further assistance, please contact Susanne Tullos, State Consulting Nurse, at 501-682-1361 or