A.C.A. 6-15-1101 requires that “Beginning with the 1994-1995 school year, a school district shall attach a seal, stamp, or other symbol to transcripts and diplomas awarded to high school students who have completed the core curriculum with a minimum grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0 point scale in core.” The core curriculum as defined in the Standards of Accreditation adopted by the State Board of Education in January 2005 shall apply to the graduating class of 2005. A list of graduation requirements can be located in Director's Memo ACC-05-058, in the Standards of Accreditation, Section 14.0.
The State Board of Education has approved the State Board of Education Seal as the seal to be affixed to the diplomas and transcripts. School districts may obtain seals from:
Attn: Paul Brant
Consolidated Printing
P. O. Box 626
Van Buren, AR 72957
Telephone: 1-800-542-1013
Fax: 1-479-410-2532
A minimum of 100 seals must be ordered at a cost of approximately ten (10) cents per seal. The orders are to be filled and delivered within fifteen (15) working days after the receipt of the school district’s purchase order. Two seals per qualifying student should be purchased, one seal for the transcript and one for the diploma.