Act 1527 was passed during the 2005 Regular Legislative Session to improve Medicaid billing in Arkansas school districts, thereby increasing funds available for services to students with disabilities. Act 1527 directs the Special Education Unit of the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE), by May 1 of each year, to determine the school districts that are underperforming in the area of school Medicaid reimbursements. Act 1527 further authorizes the Special Education Unit to direct underperforming school districts to associate with an Education Service Cooperative (ESC) to provide Medicaid billing services.
Districts identified as underperforming will receive notice in writing from the ADE. Agreements entered into between underperforming districts and ESCs are subject to the review and approval of the Special Education Unit. Act 1527 in no way is intended to disrupt new or existing service relationships between school districts and any public or private medical service provider.
Additional information about the process used by the Special Education Unit to identify Act 1527 underperforming school districts for the upcoming school year (2005-2006) can be obtained by contacting George Elliott at or at (501) 682-4223.