ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : FIN-05-036

Date Created : 06/15/2005


Co-op Directors
other: Classified Personnel Policy Committee

Type of Memo: Informational
Response Required: No
Section:   Public School Finance and Admin Support - Ms. Patricia Martin
Personnel Policy for Classified Employees

Regulatory Authority:
Ark. Code Ann. §6-17-2301 et. al. as amended by Act 951 of 2005

Contact Person:
Julie Kreth

Phone Number:


Each school district in the State of Arkansas shall have a set of written personnel policies, including the salary schedule for classified employees.

Personnel policy of concern to classified personnel policies committee shall include, but is not limited to, the following terms and conditions of employment:
Salary Schedule, fringe benefits, and other compensation issues;
Annual school calendar, including work days and holidays;
Grievance procedures;
Termination, non-renewal, or suspension;
Reduction in force; and

No school district shall receive in any year any funds from the Public School Fund until the district has filed, by September 15th, its current personnel policies for classified employees signed by the president of the board. The Department of Education will notify each district that has not filed by the deadline.

The superintendent may recommend any changes in personnel policies to the board of directors or the personnel policies committee. The recommendations shall become proposals if adopted by either the board or committee.

Each classified employee being employed by a school district for the first time shall be given a copy of the district’s personnel policies in effect at the time of employment. The employee will have the choice of a hard copy or a digital copy. Each classified employee shall be furnished a copy of any amendments to the personnel policies within thirty (30) days after approval of the amendments by the board of directors of the district.


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