ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : FIN-06-025

Date Created : 08/26/2005


Co-op Directors
Secondary Principals
Elementary Principals
Middle School Principals
High School Principals

Type of Memo: Informational
Response Required: No
Section:   Fiscal and Administrative Services - Dr. Bobbie Davis, Assistant Commissioner
Restrictions on the Use of Student Social Security Numbers by School Districts

Regulatory Authority:
Act 246 of 2005

Contact Person:
Dr. Bobbie Davis

Phone Number:


Act 246 of 2005 places restrictions on the use of student social security numbers by a school district. The law prohibits the use of a student social security number on a student identification card or on any other devise where the child's social security number could be read by the public.

Act 246 does not affect the use of social security numbers in the state APSCN system to track students and student achievement data. Schools will continue to use the social security numbers to identify and track student records, in Child Nutrition, for achievement testing, for health records, high school transcripts, grades, and categorical expenditures. Any educationally relevant data will continue to be tracked by social security numbers. This law did not change that.

Schools using the student's social security number to populate the student identification number field must assign new nine digit numbers for use on published reports. No social security numbers or any part of a social security number may be published in any form or printed on anything.

Questions regarding the use of social security numbers shall be directed to Dr. Bobbie Davis, or Mr. Jim Boardman.


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