ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : COM-06-052

Date Created : 01/26/2006


Co-op Directors

Type of Memo: Informational
Response Required: No
Section:   Facilities and Transportation - Douglas Eaton, Director
Conditionally Approved Transitional Academic Facilities Program Projects

Regulatory Authority:
Act 2206 of 2005;Ark. Code Ann. Sec. 6-20-2506

Contact Person:
Doug Eaton

Phone Number:


On January 23, 2006, the Commission on Public School Academic Facilities and Transportation conditionally approved the Transitional Academic Facilities project list. For a list of conditionally approved projects click on “new” at our website: Districts, whose projects are not on the list, will receive a letter explaining why their project was not favorably considered.

The Commission conditionally approved this list subject to a final review, as specified in Section IV, Transitional Academic Facilities Program Guidelines, as to the prudent use of funding in educational equity. These reviews will begin immediately and school districts will be notified if any project does not meet the criteria.

Fund disbursements will be made in the following manner:
1. Completed projects and projects whose scheduled completion is prior to June 30, 2006, will receive funding at the completion of the project in an amount equaling 100% of the state participation. Upon completion of the project review and certification of project completion, the projects will be presented to the Commission for final approval and funding.
2. For those projects whose completion date is after June 30th, 2006, disbursements will be made on a quarterly basis commensurate with the percent of project completion. Disbursements will begin in July 2006. Districts will be requested to provide to this Division the invoices and status summary of those projects beginning on July 1, 2006, and each three months thereafter. Upon the recommendation of this Division to the Commission, disbursement will be made commensurate with the percentage of completion of the project. This will be ongoing until such time as the project is completed and 100% of the state participation has been reimbursed to the districts.
3. Districts may request final payment upon project completion by providing a close out report to include, as applicable, but not limited to: final invoice, occupancy permit, release of liens and certification that test data, owners manuals,and warranty documents have been received.

Districts are reminded to conform to state laws regarding:
.Construction review and approval.
·The use of architects and engineers.
·The use of licensed contractors.
·Contract bidding procedures.
·Compliance with Section VI, paragraph B, Transitional Academic Facilities Program Guidelines.


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