ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : LS-06-097

Date Created : 04/03/2006


Co-op Directors

Type of Memo: Informational
Response Required: Yes
Section:   Learning Services - Dr. Diana Julian, Assistant Commissioner
Initial Accreditation Status Report

Regulatory Authority:
Ark. Code Ann. § 6-15-206

Contact Person:
Frank Wimer

Phone Number:


The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) Standards Assurance Unit (SAU) reviews data submitted as part of the Cycle 2 reporting requirements to determine the initial accreditation of each district office and each school. Enclosed is the initial accreditation report for the 2005-2006 school year based on data submitted by the district as part of the Cycle 2 reporting including current information in the Arkansas Professional Licensure System. In addition to including a listing of violations/citations for the 2005-2006 school year, the report reflects the accreditation history for the previous two school years. An explanation of violation/citation numbers is also included.

Please review all initial violations listed for 2005-2006 and confirm that all citations are correct or submit written correction(s) to the assigned Standards Assurance Specialist by close of business on April 21, 2006. If corrections are sent by e-mail, Standards Assurance Unit (SAU) specialists will respond to confirm receipt of e-mail; if there is no response to information submitted by the district, contact the assigned SAU specialist. The assigned specialist is listed as “supervisor” on the upper right corner of the report’s first page. If no supervisor is listed, e-mail Written corrections may be sent by mail, e-mail, or fax and should include the LEA number and building name and the following, as applicable:

1) Name and Arkansas Teacher’s License number of staff member;
2) Job code or course code change;
3) Grade level change;
4) Class size change (APSCN_01 Class Count All Year);
5) Total students change (Master schedule matrix marking period 3 or second semester);
6) FTE change; or
7) Student enrollment change to address FTE violation.

For all individuals teaching for more than thirty (30) consecutive days in a grade level or subject area not included on the teaching license, the following documents are required to be on file at the Arkansas Department of Education: Additional Licensure Plan (ALP) and ADE approved waiver letter. Refer to “Rules Governing Standards for Accreditation of Arkansas Public Schools” (Rules 24.01 and 24.18).

Classes listed under “2400 Secondary Courses” are required classes for which no course code was submitted. To provide confirmation of teaching required courses listed in the “2400 Secondary Courses” violation, please submit applicable pages of the current (grades 7-12) Arkansas Public School Computer Network (APSCN) new master schedule (APSCN_01 State Report MS Check). If staff changes have occurred since the Cycle 2 report was submitted, send a copy of contracts for additional staff to correct class size violations and send a copy of contracts for changes in staff to correct licensure violations.

Please note that the specific course code must be used to prevent a citation; grade level entries must be appropriate for the course code. For example, if the course code is 355810 Physical Education Grade 5 with students in grades 5-6 included, there will be a citation.

Acceptable changes requested in writing by the district will be entered by the assigned SAU specialist. The final accreditation status for each school will be based on remaining violations/citations; refer to ADE “Rules Governing Standards for Accreditation of Arkansas Public Schools” (January 2005). As mandated by the Omnibus Quality Education Act (Act 1467 of 2003/Ark. Code Ann. § 6-15-203), final accreditation status will be determined by May 15, 2006.

Right Of Appeal (After May 15, 2006)

In the event a district believes the Department of Education has improperly determined that any school or school district has failed to meet Standards for Accreditation, the school district shall have a right to file its written appeal with the office of the Commissioner of the Department of Education.

Any such appeal shall be held in an open hearing and the decision of the Board shall be in open session. The appeal must be filed not later than May 30 following the May 15 written notification; the State Board of Education hearing must be held prior to August 15 of the same calendar year.

The State Board of Education may confirm the accreditation status of a school as determined by the Department of Education or it may sustain the appeal of the district.

Pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 6-15-203(b)(5), an appeal from the ruling of the Board may be made by a school district to the Pulaski County Circuit Court provided such appeal is made pursuant to the Arkansas Administrative Procedures Act, Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-201 et. seq.

Standards Assurance Unit Specialists

Jim Chism ~~
Phil Costner ~~
Polly Davis ~~
Susan Grier ~~
Bernice Martin-Russell ~~
John McKinnon ~~
Johnie Walters ~~
Frank Wimer ~~

Standards Assurance Unit fax: 501-682-4618

Arkansas Department of Education
Standards Assurance Unit
#4 Capitol Mall, Room 202 B
Little Rock, AR 72201


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