ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : FIN-07-002

Date Created : 07/19/2006


Co-op Directors
other: District Business/Financial Officers

Type of Memo: Informational
Response Required: No
Section:   Fiscal and Administrative Services - William J. Goff, Assistant Commissioner
40% Pullback Report

Regulatory Authority:
Ark. Code Ann. §§ 6-20-401 et seq.

Contact Person:
Julie Kreth

Phone Number:


The Department has completed the 40% Pullback calculation for calendar year 2006 property taxes. The report is attached.

The assessment data is submitted by each County Clerk in compliance with Ark.Code Ann. § 6-20-2202(g)(1), as amended by Act 730 of 2005.
* The millage data is from the annual millage election held during calendar year 2005, for taxes payable in calendar year 2006.
* The millage rates have been adjusted for rollback provisions. Rollback data is provided by the Assessment Coordination Department.
* The 40% Pullback is calculated in compliance with Ark.Code Ann. §6-20-401(4).
* The 40% Pullback is calculated as follows: The greater of the product of either: (assessment x the tax rate which is not pledged to secure bonded indebtedness x 40%) or (assessment x the uniform rate of tax x 40%).
* The 5 districts that were consolidated or annexed under Act 60 of the Second Extraordinary Session of 2003 that have not voted a unified millage rate are indicated with an "+".
* The proper M&O millage rate in the Fountain Lake School District is the subject of pending litigation on appeal to the Arkansas Supreme Court.
* Commissioner's Memo COM-06-093 should be referred to for Coding Requirements regarding the 40% Pullback.

Requests for additional information should be directed to Julie Kreth or Yvonne Williams in Education Research and Statistics at 501-682-5128.


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