ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : LS-08-002

Date Created : 07/31/2007


Co-op Directors
High School Principals
other: G/T & AP Supervisors and Coordinators

Type of Memo: Informational
Response Required: Optional
Section:   Learning Services - Dr. Diana Julian, Assistant Commissioner
AP Equipment and Material Grants

Regulatory Authority:
Rules for Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Diploma Incentive Program

Contact Person:
Ann Biggers, Administrator, Programs for Gifted Education

Phone Number:


The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) is pleased to announce the return of available money for one-time-only equipment and materials grants for Advanced Placement (AP) courses. This money may be requested for any AP course being taught at a high school that has not already received money for the course(s) under the Arkansas Advanced Placement Incentive Program (1996-2002). Pre-AP courses are NOT included in this grant opportunity. Also, any high school with a carryover from the Advanced Placement Incentive Funds May 2007 report, equal to or greater than the request, should not apply for this new grant opportunity. The school’s carryover money can also be spent on AP equipment and materials.

The application must be submitted on or before September 14, 2007. The complete application form with instructions is attached.


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