ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : COM-08-015

Date Created : 08/02/2007


Co-op Directors
other: All Principals
Testing Coordinators
Federal Coordinators

Type of Memo: Regulatory
Response Required: Optional
Section:   Special Assistant - Ms. Janinne Riggs
2007 AYP Appeals Process

Regulatory Authority:
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Pub. Law 107-110)

Contact Person:
Janinne Riggs

Phone Number:


The purpose of this memorandum is to provide information regarding the 2007-2008 School Improvement notification and appeal process based on the 2006-2007 state assessments.

Step 1 Notification:

A) Superintendents and school board presidents are notified by certified mail of proposed School Improvement status for school(s) in the district. Superintendents, please make the school board president aware of the ADE notification of School Improvement status.

B) Superintendents notify school principal(s) of proposed School Improvement status for the principal's school.

Step 2 Appeal Process:

A) Documents sent to the ADE:

Required documentation (Superintendent Certification and Appeal Form(s)) supporting a district’s appeal for school(s) in the district may be filed in one of two ways.

Electronic Submission: Superintendent Certification and Appeal Form(s) emailed to It is important that the subject line reads as follows:
AYP, followed by district name, followed by district LEA#.
Example: AYP, Great School District, #11000


Paper Submission: Superintendent Certification and Appeal Form(s) mailed to Janinne Riggs, Arkansas Department of Education, #4 Capitol Mall, Rm. 406B, Little Rock, AR 72201

Please choose either email or mail for sending these required documents. Do not send some documents by email and others by mail.

The Superintendent Certification and Appeal Form(s) for all schools in a district should be sent in the same email or same mailing. Depending on district size, more than one email may be necessary.

Documents sent to the ADE:

1. Superintendent Certification

Complete Superintendent Certification. File one certification that lists all schools in the district filing an appeal. Do not send a separate certification for each school.

2. Appeal form(s)

Complete a separate form for each school for which an appeal is being submitted. A justification (see space on form) should be provided for the areas that are appealed.

B) Documents sent to NORMES:

1. Data Corrections

If the appeal is based on inaccurate student demographic data, corrected datasets will need to be submitted. Data corrections must be sent electronically to NORMES. Directions for accessing, correcting and submitting data files are located on the ED.STATS portal’s ‘Welcome’ tab. In order to provide accurate results, the correction sheets must follow the protocol and contain all the required information per the directions.
NOTE: Preliminary data corrections that were submitted correctly and by the July 19th deadline have been applied.
Schools that did not submit corrections, or that feel further corrections are needed, should submit corrected data files.


All appeals including all required documentation must be received no later than 4:30 PM on the 30th calendar day from receipt of the superintendent/school board president notification, in accordance with Section 9.05 of the ACTAAP Rule.

An appeal panel will review all appeals. Appeals will be addressed in the following priority:

1. Schools in School Improvement
2. Schools in Alert
3. Schools that are Meeting Standards


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