ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : COM-08-022

Date Created : 08/17/2007


Co-op Directors
other: Technology Directors/Coordinators

Type of Memo: Informational
Response Required: No
Section:   APSCN - Bill Goff, Director
Computer Viruses

Regulatory Authority:

Contact Person:
Danita Hyrkas

Phone Number:


All Arkansas schools depend on computers to support the mission of educating children. A computer infected with a virus can malfunction, cease to function, leak sensitive information, and clog school networks with data traffic that slows response time of other computers on the network. Infected computers also pose a threat to other computers on school networks by passing on the insidious virus.

As schools are reopening this month, please make sure all school servers, desktops and laptops have current antivirus software loaded on them. In addition, each computer's operating system and applications should be fully patched in order to keep the computers working and networks free of viruses and other malicious software traffic. Following through on the above suggestions will ensure that the computers are available and working, and will result in a smooth start to the school year.


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