ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : LS-08-071

Date Created : 05/08/2008


Co-op Directors

Type of Memo: Informational
Response Required: No
Section:   Learning Services - Dr. Alice Barnes Rose, Assistant Commissioner
Annual Accreditation Report

Regulatory Authority:
Ark. Code Ann. § 6-15-203

Contact Person:
Frank Wimer

Phone Number:


The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) reviews Annual Accreditation Reports to determine the accreditation status of each school in each district in Arkansas. The status report will be the school district’s final and official accreditation status report for the 2007-2008 school year. It will reflect a three-year history of accreditation. Please note the review date indicated for Probationary violation(s); evidence to correct Probationary violation(s) must be received by the Standards Assurance Unit on or before the review date, October 15, 2008. Read carefully items indicated in “Comments.” Accreditation status resulting from the 2007-2008 On-campus Standards Review (OSR) will be noted in “Comments.”

Included with the status report is a Corrected Exceptions Accreditation Status Report. This report lists changes to the Initial Accreditation Report. To assist with processing, all 2010 generated deadlines appear on this report rather than on the Annual Accreditation Report. Please refer to Rules Governing Standards for Accreditation, Rule 24.01, for further information concerning licensure deficiencies involving an individual’s Additional Licensure Plan (ALP). The Corrected Exceptions Accreditation Status Report will assist school districts in preparing to submit future reports. Please review this information. Other notes indicating necessary exception corrections may include incorrect course codes, incorrect grade levels, invalid data or may indicate the district has corrected an exception that may have existed when the report was initially submitted. Please continue to work with the respective school district’s Standards Assurance Specialist for additional information about the district’s report.

Right Of Appeal

In the event that a school district believes the ADE has improperly determined that a school or school district has failed to meet Standards for Accreditation, the school district shall have a right to file its written appeal with the Office of the Commissioner, ADE, #4 State Capitol Mall, Room 304-A, Little Rock, AR 72201-1071.

Any such appeal shall be held in an open hearing and the decision of the State Board of Education (Board) shall be in open session. The appeal must be filed not later than May 30, 2008, following the May 15, 2008, written notification; the Board hearing must be held prior to August 15, 2008.

The Board may confirm the accreditation status of a school or school district recommended by the ADE or it may sustain the appeal of the district.

Pursuant to the Ark. Code Ann. § 6-15-203, an appeal from the ruling of the Board may be made by a school district to the Pulaski County Circuit Court provided such appeal is made pursuant to the Arkansas Administrative Procedures Act, Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-201 et seq.


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