ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : COM-08-161

Date Created : 06/13/2008


Co-op Directors
other: All Principals
Testing Coordinators
Federal Coordinators

Type of Memo: Informational
Response Required: No
Section:   Special Assistant - Ms. Janinne Riggs
AYP Timeline

Regulatory Authority:
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

Contact Person:
Janinne Riggs

Phone Number:


The purposes of this communication are:

• to provide a tentative timeline for release of the preliminary and final 2008 School Improvement Reports and
• to provide information related to notification of choice and supplemental services.

Modifications to the 2008 process include the following.

A. Districts will not submit discrepancy corrections prior to the posting of the preliminary school improvement reports. This step will be included in the appeal process.

B. District improvement reports and the school improvement reports will be posted at the same time.

C. The growth model will be applied at the district level and school level where applicable.


August 8:
Certified letters will be sent to all superintendents stating that the preliminary district and school reports will be posted to the password protected ED.STATS portal. The notice will also include a list of any school in the district in a category of school improvement (this will not include Alert) and if the district is in some category of improvement. In addition, the notice will include actions to be taken by the district if applying to the Department for an appeal.

Appeal Process:
The appeal timeframe is 30 days beginning with the day the notice is received by the district. The discrepancy/correction process will be included as part of the appeal process.

August 13:
The Department will host a CIV to provide training on the processes used in determining school improvement status including the growth model.

September 6:
Appeal process closes.

October 6:
The final district and school reports will be posted to the ED.STATS portal.

Additional Information
The following issues will be applied during the initial school improvement status process as stated below. If the district wants to adjust the flexibility as applied during the initial status process, the district will address the specific flexibility during the appeal process.

One Percent Cap:
One percent cap on special education: NORMES will apply a process for removing proficiency scores through automatic programming. Alternately assessed student data will be sorted by ID and scores for students will be reclassified systematically in ID order at the district level until the cap is reached.

Districts will have the option to apply for a change in the 1% cap distribution during the appeal process. (See critical element 5.3 of the Accountability Workbook for Determining Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP))

1. LEP first year in the United States literacy student: The student will automatically be excluded from literacy percent proficient calculations, but will be included in percent tested. Districts must request scores to be included during the appeals process. (See critical element 5.4 of the Accountability Workbook for Determining Adequate Yearly Progress)

2. LEP first year in United States mathematics student: The student scoring proficient or advanced will be included in the percent proficient. All first year students are required to test and be included in percent tested. Districts must request scores to be excluded during the appeals process. (See critical element 5.4 of the Accountability Workbook for Determining Adequate Yearly Progress)

3. An LEP student may continue to be identified as a member of the LEP subgroup for determining accountability for one or two additional years after that student has attained English proficiency as determined by the MAC II or future assessment adopted by the Arkansas State Board of Education (ASBE) for determining English proficiency. During these years, the student is not required to take the English proficiency assessment.

NOTE: Documentation is required on all LEP students during enrollment in the ESL (English Second Language) program and for two years after exiting the ESL program. Each student’s progress should be reviewed and documented on a yearly basis by the school’s LPAC.

Districts will submit evidence that the student is eligible to continue in the LEP subgroup during the appeal process.
(See critical element 5.4 of the Accountability Workbook for Determining Adequate Yearly Progress)

Students with Disabilities:
A student may continue to be identified in the students with disabilities subgroup for up to two years after exiting the special education program under IDEA. Districts will submit evidence that the student is eligible to continue in the Students with Disabilities subgroup. (See critical element 5.3 of the Accountability Workbook for Determining Adequate Yearly Progress)


A school that is in any phase of improvement and will remain in improvement regardless of meeting the annual measureable objective (AMO) this reporting period should notify parents of choice and/or supplemental services in a timely manner prior to the beginning of the 2008-2009 school year. A school is required to meet the AMO for two consecutive years in order to be removed from school improvement. The school is required to continue to provide choice and/or supplemental services until removed from school improvement.

For example, a school that is currently in school improvement year 1 is required to meet the AMO for two consecutive years in order to be removed from school improvement. If the school meets the AMO this reporting period the school will have met the AMO for the first of two consecutive years but is required to continue providing the choice option. The school should notify parents in a timely manner prior to the beginning of school of the choice option.


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