ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : COM-09-048

Date Created : 09/16/2008


Co-op Directors
Elementary Principals
Middle School Principals
High School Principals
other: Curriculum Specialists

Type of Memo: Informational
Response Required: Optional
Section:   Central Administration - Dr. Diana Julian, Deputy Commissioner
Disposition of Used Textbooks/Instructional Materials

Regulatory Authority:

Contact Person:
Sue McKenzie

Phone Number:


This memorandum addresses the sale or other disposition of used textbooks and other instructional materials. The following guidelines provide acceptable methods of disposing of unusable, outdated textbooks:

1. Textbooks/instructional materials currently on any section of the state-approved list shall not be sold or disposed of in any way, except by giving to other districts when class sizes fluctuate.

2. Textbooks/instructional materials out of adoption (no longer on the state list) may be donated to students, parents, public libraries, or other charities.

3. Textbooks/instructional materials out of adoption may be sold or donated for recycling. If resold, districts must provide proper auditory trails showing that money collected is spent for other textbooks. Textbooks/Instructional materials may not be sold to “used book” dealers.

4. If textbooks are to be destroyed, recycling is the most desirable method, followed, but only as a last resort, by burning.

5. Districts should make every effort to dispose of out of adoption materials by giving them to children, parents, libraries, or charities. Sales or physical destruction by burning should be only a disposition of last resort.

6. When adoption choices are made, publishers may offer and districts may accept only the complimentary materials filed as an addendum to the state contract. No additional complimentary materials may be offered by publishers or requested or accepted by districts.


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