ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : FIN-10-008

Date Created : 08/07/2009


Co-op Directors
other: Business Managers

Type of Memo: Administrative
Response Required: No
Section:   Fiscal and Administrative Services - William J. Goff, Assistant Commissioner
2009-10 Title I Allocations

Regulatory Authority:
Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1965

Contact Person:
Kim Bajorek

Phone Number:


This document constitutes official notice of the 2010 Title I, Part A total allotment available for use in the 2009-2010 school year under provisions of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965.

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act provides that a school district not meeting statutory eligibility for Concentration Grants is guaranteed its hold-harmless amount for four consecutive years. Therefore, a school district that was last eligible for a Concentration Grant in SY 2004-2005, but was not eligible in SY 2005-2006, SY 2006-2007, SY 2007-2008 and SY 2008-2009 will receive its hold-harmless Concentration Grant in SY 2009-2010. If that school district fails to meet the Concentration Grant eligibility thresholds next year (SY 2010-2011), it will no longer be eligible for the hold-harmless guarantee. Several school districts in Arkansas did not qualify for Concentration Grants and received the hold-harmless amount.

No individual notice of funds allotment will be provided. All allocations are listed on this communication. Please keep a copy of this communication and the attachment on file for the auditor.

The Source Code for Title I, Part A is 6501 and the Revenue Code is 45110.

Title I allotments have been calculated to reflect the districts existing on July 1, 2009, after consolidations/annexations were approved by the State Board of Education. Title I Policy Guidance from the U. S. Department of Education (USDOE) outlines how allotments are to be made in cases of consolidation/annexation. This policy guidance can be found at the following web site: The same policy guidance also covers open-enrollment charter school allotments under Title I.

Open enrollment charter schools qualifying for Title I allotments have been included in the listing with all other school districts. A district’s Title I allocation for 2009-2010 could be reduced if the district has Title I low-income eligibles enrolled in a new open-enrollment charter school when the official count is taken on October 1, 2009. Another reduction could occur when a significant change has been made in an existing open-enrollment charter school, i.e. another grade was added, another subject area is added to the charter that causes a significant increase in the enrollment, etc.

The State Agency Part D Allotments are shown below the Title I, Part A State Totals. This section lists the Department of Corrections and Division of Youth Services allotments.

The Local Institution Part D Allotments follow the state agency Part D allotments. The school district and name of the institution are listed in the second column. The Source Code for Title I Local Institution Part D funds is 6510 and the Revenue Code is 45120.

The Neglected Institution Allotments notice follows and indicates which school districts receive a portion of the Part A allotment for a local institution for neglected children. These funds are to be used to provide Title I services to children residing in the institutions. Please keep a record of services provided and funds expended. This list indicates which institution is located in the school district and the amount of money the eligibles in the institution generated. The funds generated by the neglected eligibles have already been included in the total Title I allotment for the district.

Availability period of Education Funds is 27 months from the time the funds are made available to the state. Funds allotted to the state on July 1, 2009, will be available for expenditure or obligation in an approved Arkansas Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (ACSIP) plan until September 30, 2011. Under Tydings, unobligated funds can be carried over from the first year, Title I has a carryover of 15%, which may be waived once every three years.

Direct questions to either Kim Bajorek at 501-683-6530 or Annette Pearson 501-683-1243.


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