The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) will again provide stipends to individuals who wish to obtain certification as a vision teacher. The ADE is dedicating a portion of the discretionary funds it receives under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Amendments of 1997, to cover this cost. Stipends will be available only to individuals participating in the summer certification program operated by the Arkansas School for the Blind and the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Individuals eligible for a stipend will be reimbursed for tuition up to six hours graduate credit plus $150 to cover travel and other incidental costs. Reimbursement will be made upon receipt of proof of successful completion of the coursework accompanied by a reimbursement request form. Room and meals for each teacher attending the certification program will be provided at no cost by the Arkansas School for the Blind.
Attached is a form each teacher will use to request reimbursement for hours earned. Please make this information available to teachers in your districts who are enrolled in the certification program.
Reimbursement requests should be mailed to:
Clent Holly
Arkansas Department of Education
Special Education
Grants and Data Management
4 Capitol Mall, Room 105-C
Little Rock, AR 72201-1071