ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : SI-99-044

Date Created : 10/20/1998


Co-op Directors
Secondary Principals
Elementary Principals

Type of Memo: Informational
Response Required: No
Section:   School Improvement and Instructional Support - Dr. Kevin Penix
Alternative Learning Environment Consultant

Regulatory Authority:

Contact Person:
Dr. Kevin Penix or Angela Billings

Phone Number:


Mr. James Fenton is contracted by the Arkansas Department of Education to conduct a statewide assessment of Alternative Learning Environment (ALE) programs. Assessing our ALE programs means visiting various programs in the state to identify strengths and weaknesses of our ALE programs. Mr. Fenton will prepare an independent report that will be shared with the State Board of Education.

Additionally, Mr. Fenton will conduct a statewide conference that will focus on providing teaching strategies for ALE teachers. The conference will also emphasize best practices in ALE programs.

Mr. Fenton has a background in education that has put him in the alternative learning environment for the past twenty years as a teacher, consultant, and director. He has a BA in Social Studies, MA in Guidance and Counseling, and an Educational Specialist degree in Administration. He has developed three alternative schools in three different settings. He has selected sites, hired staff, developed curriculum, trained staff, conducted in-service classes, equipped schools, and set the criteria for the operation of the schools. Please welcome Mr. Fenton to our state.

We expect Mr. Fenton's work to help us move in a positive direction for ALE programs in our state.


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